Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)


Prominent Ear Surgery

Prominent or huge ears can affect an individual’s social life. Unfortunately, they are often mocked at some point in their lives. During childhood, social pressure affects the patients’ psychological development negatively and usually female patients also complain about not being able to tie their hair up. Therefore, the most convenient time to start treating the ears is right before they start school. Treatment of prominent ears can be applied any time after the age of 5-6 when the development of ears is almost completed. The shape and location of the ears play an important role in facial aesthetics. Ears which are bigger than normal, distinct and not explicitly curved will not provide a satisfactory image.

When noticed right after birth, ear deformation can be easily treated without an operation if properly shaped. Unless the elastic cartilage is treated properly in the first weeks after birth, it hardens and there is no way to reshape it other than plastic surgery.

The angle between the ears and the head is narrowed through the prominent ears treatment operation. We create natural-looking curves. For this purpose, the cartilage is shaped through a cut behind the ear and a permanent structure is formed using stitches. It is not possible to notice the stitches after the operation. Local or general anesthesia procedures might be used to treat prominent ears. The operation lasts about 40 minutes and the patient may be released on the same day. Patients should wear hair bands for about 2 weeks after the operation in order to prevent damage to the ears and ensure the stitches’ durability. Patients can return to their daily life in about 2 days.

In the case of oversized ears, it is possible to downsize the ear auricle. The doctor helps downsize the ears preserving their aesthetic and natural look without leaving visible scars. Ear reduction may not be achieved through only downsizing the external ear. Earlobe can be downsized by leaving hardly-visible scars behind the ears. Local or general anesthesia procedures might be applied in ear reduction operations. It is not necessary to stay in the hospital after the procedure. In the following days after the operation, patients should pay attention to the ears in order not to damage them. Immediately after the operation, patients can continue their daily lives.

Dr. Deniz M.D.
Dr. Deniz M.D.

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