Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation — also known as augmentation mammoplasty — is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Today, breast augmentation helps women get the natural look they want while also improving their self-confidence and figure.
Success in Breast Augmentation
The goal is to enhance a patients natural proportions and create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing breast profile. Like every plastic surgery you should keep your expectations realistic when considering cosmetic surgery.
What is Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty?
Breast augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery procedure to increase breast size and enhance breast shape, typically through the placement of silicone or saline breast implants. Women have breast augmentation surgery for different reasons. One of the reason is breast enlargement. Breast augmentation is one of the most effective procedures to correct the noticeable breast asymmetries. Indeed, the ultimate goal of the operation is to make the natural measurements of the patient more beautiful and create a more symmetrical, aesthetic appearance.
Who Needs Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is one of the most desired and popular surgical procedure. Women who want breast enlargement or who have noticed that their breasts have begun changing in the past several years due to age or another factor, prefer breast augmentation. However, this procedure is not the right choice for everyone.
Volume and Size
If you think your breasts need breast enlargement or unhappy with the shape or volume, breast augmentation is suitable for you.
Asymmetrical breasts
As a result of some factors if you have asymmetrical breasts this situation can affect your self-confidence. Silicone breast implants provide a natural feel and a more comfortable appearance.
In general, you should be in good physical health. You should inform your surgeon about your medical situation before surgery. Your surgeon will decide the procedure according to your medical issues.
What to Consider Before a Breast Augmentation?
The surgery improves appearance and helps to feel more confident. However, it’s important that you consider several factors before undergoing surgery.
You must stop smoking for at least two weeks prior to surgery. Smoking can constrict blood vessels and pose a problem for blood circulation, and carbon monoxide can affect oxygen supply to healing tissue.
At least three weeks before the date of your surgery you should stop taking any and all medications that contain aspirin or ibuprofen. You need to avoid certain vitamins and herbs because they can also cause blood thinning. Take only medicines that have been approved or prescribed by the surgeon.
The stomach should be empty before all operations. So, you shouldn’t eat or drink anything the morning before your surgery. Prepare for this by eating an early dinner and skipping the glass of water by your bed throughout the night.
How Breast Augmentation is Done?
Breast enlargement is a surgical procedure where the breast size is enhanced. General anesthesia is most common for this procedure. Breast augmentation is considered an outpatient operation generally taking 45 to 90 minutes to perform. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed by breast implants or fat transfer. Breast implants are of two kinds; saline and silicone breast implants. In breast implant surgery, implants may be placed under or over the breast muscle. In addition, there are a number of different areas on which the cut can be made. After the fat transfer breast augmentation, the patient can leave the clinic to their hotel, or the patient may be hospitalised for a day at the clinic.
Augmentation Types: Breast Implant Surgery or Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery is performed by breast implants or fat transfer. If you prefer breast implant surgery, you have options such as silicone or saline, rounded or shaped, textured or smooth. In addition, all these types of implants are available in different sizes. Implants can be placed through the cuts made in different areas. They can be placed below or over the muscles. State your expectations openly to your doctor and decide together on which option is the best one for you.
The other alternative is fat transfer breast augmentation. In this method, essentially uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of your body and inject it into your breasts. After the fat transfer, the patient can leave the clinic and return to their hotel in the same evening, but if needed, the patient can be hospitalised one day at the clinic.
What to Expect After Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation surgery increases the size of your breasts and enhances their shape. Studies have shown that breast implants can help boost self-esteem and body image. The results of breast augmentation surgery are usually long term.
The goal of breast augmentation is to enhance a patient’s natural proportions and create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing breast profile. Breast augmentation surgery cannot correct breasts that are seriously sagging. Breast lift surgery as well as breast augmentation should be performed in order to make sagging breasts lifted and increase their size. Breast lift is usually performed at the same time as breast augmentation. However, it may be necessary to perform these at different times. Your surgeon will help you make this decision.
When Does Tightness Go Away After Breast Augmentation?
It is normal to feel tightness after the breast implant surgery and during the recovery process. It should ideally dissipate 2 weeks after the surgery. During the breast augmentation recovery, it is also common to feel stiffness and discomfort around the area for a month, however the swelling should settle down after 3 weeks. If you realise misalignment or discomfort with your breast implants before and after, you should consult your doctor. Please keep in mind that it will take a while for breasts to reach their full shape and position after breast augmentation surgery.
Breast Augmentation Recovery Stages
Breast augmentation recovery follows certain steps. At first, breasts are stretched and swollen, which may cause pain. During the next 6 weeks, significant recovery takes place. After a 3 month long period, most of the swelling disappears, and the breasts become softer and look more natural. Of course, this period is directly related to your anatomy. Usually, you have to wait for 1 week before work and 6 weeks before exercising.
After a few hours, you’ll feel less sore and sleepy. Therefore, when you leave the clinic after several hours, you’ll need someone to drive you. Before you leave the clinic, your surgeon will wrap your breasts with a bra or elastic band. This will support your breasts during recovery. Your surgeon will also explain how to care for your incision sites.
During the first 3 to 5 days, you’ll likely experience the most discomfort. Your doctor will have prescribed medication to help control the pain. You might have minor bleeding at the incision sites. This is not unusual. But if you’re concerned about any bleeding, talk to your surgeon.
As you approach 1 week, you may be able to manage the pain with over-the-counter pain medications. The pain should be minimal after the first week and with your surgeon’s approval, you can gradually return to light daily activities.
During this time, you’ll still have some soreness and swelling, but it should slowly get better. If you have a physically demanding job, you’ll need to be out of work for 3 weeks or more. You’ll also need to avoid heavy lifting and intense physical activities, like running.
Approximately after 2 months, you should be nearing full recovery, though this depends on the individual.