Who is suitable for liposuction?
Liposuction is popular amongst both women and men. It is most suitable for individuals who are of normal body weight that desire removal of fat deposits that have proved resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a practical method to lose weight.
What areas can be treated?
Liposuction can achieve great results in the following areas: thighs, hips, waist, abdomen, buttocks, arms, neck, breasts, back, and knees. We treat both men and women.
How do I decide what I need?
At Reborn, all patients will be seen by the surgeon who is going to perform the procedure on them. A careful medical history and examination will be carried out. All concerns are discussed and an appropriate, achievable and safe lipo-sculpting procedure will be chosen. It is common for patients to need more than one session to achieve their desired goals, as there is a safe limit of how much fat can be removed in one operation.
What does the operation involve?
Liposuction can be performed under local or general anaesthesia depending on the size of the area and amount of excess fat to be removed. Local anaesthesia is only suitable if the area is small and the treatment is purely focused on that area. Otherwise all other cases will be with the patient under general anaesthesia. Most patients can leave the clinic on the same day.
The lipo-sculpting is carried out through small incisions allowing access for a liposuction cannula to be inserted to remove the excess fat. The incisions are sutured using absorbable sutures and a small sticky dressing is placed on the incision. At the end of the operation patients are placed in compression garments, which need to be worn 24 hours a day for 6 weeks after the operation. These garments help to contour the skin and reduce amount post-operative swelling.
What happens after the operation?
Patients are encouraged to be mobile as much as possible to avoid discomfort. Patients can have a shower 48 hours after the operation and reapply the compression garments. Most people can go back to work and drive after 2 weeks post operation. Sporting activities and heavy manual work can commence 4-6 after the operation. It takes 3-6 months for the full benefit of lipo-sculpting to be noticeable, once the swelling has subsided.
How long do the results last?
In carefully selected patients liposculpting has an excellent outcome and patient satisfaction has been reported as over 98% in the world literature. However, subsequent significant weight gain will partially reverse the results. Therefore, it is essential for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
What are the risks of liposuction?
In carefully selected patients, liposuction has very few risks. At Reborn, patient safety is paramount, and treatments are tailored to individual patients to minimise the risks. Minor skin infections, discomfort, bruising, swelling and mild contour irregularity are some of the more common risks.

Liposuction is very effective in shaping the tummy area of both women and men. Especially the lower tummy area tends to be enduring diet and exercise. Because of that, those who are in great shape and active may feel uncomfortable with their appearance.

Hip liposuction is usually more successful in creating lines that are more in shape. This liposuction procedure is usually performed on women, because men do not tend to experience problems in that area as much as women.

Applying liposuction on the whole thigh area (peripheral liposuction) is not advised because it causes an increase in swelling and prolonging of recovery period. Instead of this, thigh liposuction should be performed as a series of operation in which operations are performed between one month intervals.

Very big breast may cause women to have back and neck pain, headache and low self-esteem. Compared to other breast surgery operations, liposuction is a less invasive and more effective surgery. Removal of excess fat by liposuction creates a natural lifting effect on the breasts, because the weight that pulls the breasts down are decreased with this operation.

Satisfaction rate from liposuction on arm area is quite high. The thinness achieved through this operation may give the body an appearance that is more in shape. Arm liposuction may be performed together with arm lift surgery.

Side fat in occurs right above the belt area, below the bra line, on the sides of body and on the back. Liposuction can improve the appearance of these areas significantly, and decrease the amount of fat that exceed over the belt. Side area liposuction can be done together with body lift.

When buttock area is aimed, shaping the buttock is more important than decreasing its size. Taking excess amount of fat from the buttock may cause asymmetric, lumpy and saggy appearance. Buttock area is important when it comes to the general aesthetic appearance of the body. Liposuction done on the buttock area should be carried out with great sensitivity.

Breasts for Men
Liposuction may also be performed as a breast reduction operation on men, but certain factors should be considered beforehand. The surgeon should identify whether the excess tissue in the boobs are fat or gland tissue. If the breast mostly consists of fat tissue, liposuction is a great method to decrease the size of breasts and improve the appearance of the chest.

Face, Neck & Chin
Face liposuction is performed to remove the fat in certain areas such as chin, neck and double chin. Face liposuction gives the patient a younger appearance by removing the excess fat in these areas. It is an efficient and safe procedure.
Face liposuction is generally performed by using micro-cannula.

Back for Men
Liposuction may also be performed as a back reduction operation on men, but certain factors should be considered beforehand. The surgeon should identify whether the excess tissue in the back mostly consists of fat. Liposuction is a great method to decrease excess fat tissue improve the appearance of your back.
Prior to the Operation
There are a few steps patients can follow to minimise the discomfort after operation and decrease risks of complication prior to the operation.
You will have a conversation with your doctor for the detailed plan of the surgery prior to the operation. During the conversation, you will talk about the procedure, risks, side effects and the things you should do before the surgery. Your doctor will inform you about topics such as the type of anesthesia that will be used and the medicine you should take beforehand.
Treatment Plan
Your doctor will explain differences between liposuction procedures, and you will together decide the one that suits your needs and aims the best. Explain the result you want to your doctor in as much detailed as possible, so that your doctor can create the most suitable treatment plan for you and you can gain the maximum effect from the treatment.
Determination of Risks
In order to determine the risks of liposuction, you will talk about your health history and lifestyle. Your doctor will ask you about the medicine you are using, whether you smoke or not and whether you have any kind of health problem. It is crucial for the operation that you are completely honest to your doctor.
Liposuction Operation
Liposuction procedure may seem easy as a concept, but it is in fact a quite detailed procedure just like any other surgeries. A qualified surgeon is well educated when it comes to everything about liposuction procedure, and can explain the procedure to you as detailed as you wished. Of course, every procedure changes depending on the area on which the treatment is performed and the type of liposuction that is applied. However, every procedure is performed on the same bases.
Liposuction can be performed with local or general anesthesia. The term anesthesia means “painless”. In most liposuction techniques, a solution including anesthesia medicine is applied on the operated area. For a local anesthesia, the surgeon only numbs the operated area, and you will be awake during the operation. In general anesthesia, you will be asleep during the operation thanks to the anesthesia medicine that is given in gas form or via injection.
Making the Cuts
After the anesthesia is applied (and in certain cases, liquid injection is made), the next phase is to make small cuts in the area where the fat will be removed. These cuts are generally very small.
Removing the Fat
Your surgeon will place a thin vacuum tube (cannula) through the cut towards the fat layer deep inside. Your surgeon will move the cannula forward and backward to break the fat into pieces, and pull the fat outside with the help of an injector or a vacuum pump. Because a significant amount of blood and other bodily fluids will be taken as well, fluid will be given through the vain during and after the operation. Of course, this part of the procedure may slightly change depending on the type of liposuction that is applied.
Closing the Cuts
Depending on the surgeon’s preference, cuts may be left open or they may be closed with a few stitches. Some doctors prefer not to close the cuts to decrease bruising and swelling that may occur during liposuction.
Combining Liposuction with other Procedures
Doctors usually combine liposuction with other operations to get more comprehensive and satisfactory results. If you want more serious changes, talk to your surgeon about them during your consultation.
The areas on which liposuction is most commonly performed are chin, neck, tummy, inner and outer thigh, knees and ankles. In addition, liposuction is also used to treat gynecomastia (swelling of breast tissue in men).
Body & Face Shaping
Many surgeons use liposuction together with various body shaping procedures. The surgeon can get more effective results by using liposuction while tightening the muscles and removing excess skin.
Face, Neck & Chin
Facial liposculpture surgery is used to remove areas of fat in the face to enhance the definition of the cheeks, chin, neckline and jawline. It can be used in combination with another procedure to the face.
Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother and more refined appearance to the neck and chin. Even without making any other changes to the face, improving a thick, wrinkled or sagging neck can dramatically improve one’s appearance, helping a patient look years younger or even as though he or she has lost weight. Neck contouring can also help restore balance to facial features by providing a better-defined jawline that frames the rest of the face.
Breasts For Women
The procedure can be done with local anaesthesia and microcannulas, ensuring minimal postoperative pain and a rapid recovery and return to normal activities.
Liposuction can reduce the female breast by more than half, producing lift by removing weight. The process also allows the natural elastic properties of the female breasts to contract and create elevation. Your breasts won’t change shape but will be smaller and somewhat lifted.
Tummy Tuck
The surgeon may tighten the tummy area with tummy tuck, which is one of the most popular procedures among body shaping procedures. In addition, the surgeon may lift the belly button higher with a full tummy tuck surgery. A flatter and in shape tummy area may be achieved with the use of liposuction during the procedure.
Body Lift
Body lift surgeries are more comprehensive treatments that target the tummy, thighs and butt at the same time. During the body lift procedure, the surgeon makes cuts that circle the groin area, waist and butt. In addition to tightening damaged muscles, the surgeon may perform liposuction as well to remove fat from these areas.
Side area liposuction is performed with local anesthesia so that the patient can roll over to the side and ensure the surgeon to reach the back. It is dangerous to bring back a patient who is under general anesthesia, because this may affect the position of the breathing tube.
Thigh Lift
Doctors usually perform thigh lift surgery to solve the problem of excess skin that occur on the thighs after losing excess amount of weight. If there is the problem of stubborn fat that cannot be solved with diet and exercise, liposuction may be an important component of the procedure.
The hips in many women can make the body outline appear quite squarish and in some cases can make it seem as though you have no waist at all. Dresses tend to hang off the top of the hips and they can be much more difficult to hide under clothing.
Arm Lift
As the age advances, many patients especially women complain about the excess skin and fat on their upper arm area. When tissue removal is combined with liposuction, a thinner and more in shape upper arm area can be obtained.
Breasts For Men
If breasts are asymmetrical or if they have shape deformity, patient should first check if there is a tumour. Breast x-ray is the most efficient method to identify tumours and breast cancer.
Fat Transfer
Thanks to fat transfer, it is possible to increase the size of an area in the body while decreasing the size of another. To achieve this, the surgeon firstly applies liposuction on the problematic area such as the tummy, thighs or upper arm area. Then, your surgeon purifies fat cells with centrifuge. Finally, they inject the fat cells in another area of the body to give plumpness or decrease the effects of aging.
With a fat transfer:
- Plumpness can be given to breasts
- A more sizeable and attractive butt can be achieved
- Deep wrinkles on the face (especially around the mouth and nose) may be hidden
- The size of lips can be increased
After the Operation
Recovery after liposuction may take between a few days up to a few months depending on the size of the area where the procedure was performed and the type of the performed liposuction.
First Few Weeks
Doctors suggests patients to wear compression clothes at least during the first few weeks to accelerate the healing process. A few weeks later, many patients start to feel comfortable enough to take off compression clothes.
Some patients feel pain on the day after liposuction operation. This discomfort is usually mild, and can be eased with painkillers and medium-level walking. After a few days, most of the patients can move and walk normally, in fact they can go back to work with mild discomfort. Patients should shower instead of taking baths in the first week after surgery. In this period, swelling, bruising and numbness start to disappear.
The anesthetic solution used during the operation leaks through the cut areas for a few days after liposuction. This is normal. Besides, it helps to speed up the recovery period.
Swelling that Lasts in the First Few Months
Swelling continues to reduce during the first few months after the surgery. As the swelling decreases, the permanent results of the treatment start to appear. If the treated area is big, recovery takes longer. As well as swelling, the skin on the treated area may seem loose, but it tightens over time. The skin goes back to normal depending on the flexibility of the skin (this depends on age and genetics).
Patients should keep monitoring the areas that were cut in case of infection risk, and they should set appointments with the surgeon to monitor their recovery. Excess swelling can sometimes be an indicator of other risks or side effects, because of this, it is crucial that you are in contact with your doctor to make sure everything is going well.
Exercising after Liposuction
You should consult your surgeon before you start exercising. Many aesthetic surgeons encourage their patients to start doing a light walking routine within 3-4 days after liposuction. Light exercise helps prevent clot formation in legs and other complications that may occur after the surgery.
Patients can usually start increasing their level of activity within 2 weeks following liposuction. However, it is necessary to avoid heavy exercise for at least a month in order to give the body enough time to recover.
The definite results of liposuction surgery become visible in a few months after surgery. Liposuction is performed to shape the body, it is not an option for weight loss. Excess fat which is not possible to get rid of through diet and exercise can be treated efficiently with liposuction.
First Results
The result of liposuction are noticeable to some degree right after the operation. The results may be inadequate at first. This is normal because swelling and bruising overshadow the result. Besides, the skin on which the treatment is performed may seem loose, it takes time for the body to adapt its new shape. Many surgeons ask the patients to wear compression clothing so that it would help the recovery process. Wearing compression clothing helps decrease the long term effect of swelling, bruising and scars after liposuction.
Definite Results
It takes 1-3 months until swelling and bruising disappears, and up to 6 months until the skin on the area where fat is removed is lifted. Definite results of liposuction will be visible 3 months after the surgery. After the recovery period, you will have a body more in shape and a younger appearance. The results are not the same for everybody but many patients experience a serious increase in their confidence after liposuction.
The benefits of liposuction are not only limited to aesthetics. Liposuction can be the first step of a healthier, more active lifestyle. Many patients start to be careful about their diet and exercising to protect the results of liposuction. The results of the operation can be permanent for years with the correct care.
Protection of Results
Even though liposuction is a great way to get the excess fat in certain parts of the body away, removal of fat cells from the body doesn’t mean that you will not gain weight in the future. The cells taken away by liposuction do not form again. However, patients who undergo liposuction surgery are more prone to experience weight issues on the parts of their body where they didn’t have weight issues before if they do not make changes in their exercising and eating routines.
There is no definite eating order to be followed after liposuction because every patient has a different diet and lifestyle. Many patients see liposuction as a starting point to a healthier lifestyle.
After liposuction, patients should eat a lot of fat-free proteins, dairy products rich in calcium, fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains. You may consider consulting to a nutritionist for more personalised food supplements.
Regular exercising is very beneficial because it decreases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and depression. Patients who undergo liposuction do not need to start having an exercising routine immediately.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is important because it prevents weight gain and increases the appearance of muscles. Patients are advised to do activities for at least 5 days a week. The activities include jogging, walking, cycling, yoga, swimming, dance classes and so on.
What Should You Expect?
Fat cells are permanently removed during liposuction. As a result, if you gain weight after the procedure, the weight will not gather in the area where treatment was performed on. However, liposuction does not prevent you from gaining weight. You should have a good diet and exercise regularly to protect your body after liposuction.
What Shouldn’t You Expect?
Liposuction is not a weight loss operation. Many patients only lose 1-2 kilograms following the operation.
What Should You Do Before the Procedure?
Although it is a widely performed, it should not be forgotten that liposuction is a surgical operation. On the other hand, patients can significantly get rid of the anxiety that result from the surgery by being informed about the procedure.
2 Weeks before the Operation
You should stop taking medicine similar to aspirin and vitamins that affect the clotting ability of the blood 2 weeks before liposuction. If you are smoking, you should stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the operation.
One Day before the Operation
Prepare comfortable clothing to wear and get a good night’s sleep the day before the operation. Your vehicle will already be arranged by Reborn.
The Day of the Operation
When you reach the facility where the operation will be performed, you are going to sign a document stating that you know and understand the risks, benefits and possible results. Even though the procedure changes from one doctor to another, your surgeon is possibly going to mark the area on which the operation will be performed on your skin, and takes photographs to compare with your results.
Combination of Liposuction and Tummy Tuck
Liposuction and tummy tuck is a good combination for many patients. There is a 98% satisfaction rate with patients who take combined surgeries, than patients who took the procedures individually (according to the American Plastic Surgeons Association). Combining these two procedures also helps to shorten the total recovery period as well in comparison to doing each procedure separately.
The decision to undergo an aesthetic surgery is completely personal. You should decide whether the benefits of the operation are enough for you to reach your aims and if the risks and potential complications of liposuction are at an acceptable level.
- Risks of anesthesia
- Bruising
- Change in skin sensitivity (permanent or temporary)
- Structures that are deeper down to have damage, such as nerves, veins, muscles, lungs and organs in the tummy area
- Clotting of deep veins, complications related to the heart and surgery
- Fluid accumulation
- Infection
- Irregular lines or asymmetry
- The need for a corrective surgery
- Scars that do not recover properly
- Loose skin, worsening of cellulites
- Swelling