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Nose reshaping surgery or rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide. Rhinoplasty can reshape the nose simply if one is dissatisfied with its appearance, or remodel it after an injury.

Nose Job >

Breast Surgery

Most women are suitable for breast surgery. The more common age groups for breast augmentation are younger women who are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts, and also women whose breasts have deflated after childbirth, although women outside of these two groups may also benefit.

Boob job >


A typically minimally invasive surgery, the Brazilian bum lift is primarily aimed at increasing the size of the buttocks and providing a more aesthetically pleasing shape. It is a simple fat transfer procedure which aims to produce worthwhile results without the use of implants.

Brazilian butt lift >

Face Lift

Face and Neck Lift Surgery is an operation that aims to bring back young appearance of the face naturally by lifting saggy face tissues and tightening them. It is usually said that a face lift works to “turn back time” and help patients think that they look like a younger version of themselves.

Face & Neck Lift >


Liposuction is popular amongst both women and men. It is most suitable for individuals who are of normal body weight that desire removal of fat deposits that have proved resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a practical method to lose weight.

Liposuction >

Hair Transplant

There are two categories in which a hair transplant procedure fall into; both are highly effective but use different techniques to extract the DHT resistant follicles from the donor area which covers the back and sides of the head. Extraction of follicles from the donor site is commonly known as ‘Harvesting’ and this can be carried out in two ways, via FUT or FUE.

Hair transplantation >


We provide all modern oral care, prosthetic, and surgical services. We work with the highest quality certified materials and modern equipment. Our qualified professionals provide the necessary dental treatment in a peaceful, trustworthy environment. Our goal is to help you smile and enjoy life because every smile has its own story.

Dentistry >
